One of the most fascinating monuments of Taormina is the famous Dominican monastery. The history of this monastery and its origins are linked to the figure of a Dominican friar Damiano Rosso, Prince of Cerami and descendant of the Altavilla family. The convent of San Domenico was founded in 1374 and donated by the friar of the Dominican order under a deal that included a clause whose content was made public only in 1886. In that year we see the transition of church property to the state, and therefore also for the San Domenico Convent. Once the official state went to the monastery where he had been the last monk, the latter did invoke the safeguard clause of the contract of donation and remained secret until then. That clause provided that, in case of abandonment of the convent by the friars, the structure returned to the heirs in possession or the Principles of Cerami direct heirs of Altavilla of the Rosso family. These transformed cells of the monks in the 40 elegant rooms and gave birth to one of the most luxurious and well-known in Italy. It was 1896 and even today the Hotel San Domenico is one of the most exclusive locations in which we organize social events especially. The actual hotel’s congress hall is located on the ruins of the monastery church (there are still preserved the remains of altars) then destroyed by bombing in 1943. Superb the inner square cloister where we find 29 columns that hold 7 bows for each side. It is accessed past the great hall of the hotel.


Our Address:

Piazza San Domenico 5, Taormina

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